Are you ready for 2012? I truly believe that I am, if you can believe it! Right now 2012 is full of great promise for me -- I'll be writing a new book, I'll have pieces in at least two House of White Birches books, I'm working on some new online quilt classes for CraftArtEdu(more about this later, of course), my first fabric collection will come out, and I'm going to continue to work with Quilter's World magazine and maybe a few other magazines too. As I read what I just wrote, it strikes me that only in the last couple of years did I have so much excitement to look forward to!
It's time to revisit my 2011 New Year's Resolutions:
1)keep moving forward in my quilting career.
I KNOW that I have fulfilled this resolution. 2011 was a great year for me as a quilter and 2012 is going to be even better!
2) Downsize UFO's amd WIP's.
Well, I started out 2011 and finished three or four projects, but then things got busy and I never got back to that. 3 or 4 isn't bad for a year, though.
3) Blog more often.
Overall, I met this challenge to myself, although there were some months that I was busier and didn't blog as much as I would have like. But still, 100 blogs for the years isn't too shabby.
4) Eat better and exercise more.
This one is still in progress. I didn't really get started seriously on this resolution until the beginning of November, so this one will be continued.
All in all, I'm pleased with how I did with my resolutions. I think I'll keep the same resoultions for 2012. How did you do with your 2011 resolutions??