Whew! I did it! I attended Quilt Market as a new author and I survived.
People had warned me that Quilt Market was huge, but I really had no idea until I was actually there! I mean, I've been to Early Childhood Education conferences before, but this was just too big to even fathom. Look at the photo. It only shows part of the trade show floor. The first aisle was 100 and the last aisle was 2500 or more.
My friend Leslie went with me to Houston. We flew out of Pittsburgh on Thursday. We couldn't beleive how quickly we made it through baggage check in and security -- it went very smoothly. I really didn't mind the flight, believe it or not. It was the second time I'd been in an airplane so I had some idea what to expect. I was quite fascinated with looking out the window (I was in the aisle seat). It was so surreal - like watching tv. Very cool! I saw the Mississippi River and it was really interesting with all of its smaller branches and inlets. We tried to take a picture but it didn't turn out very well.
On Friday, we went to Schoolhouse lectures all day to find out what was new and exciting in the quilt world. I gave my lecture, promoting my book, Orphan Block Quilts, right after lunch time. I was so very nervous -- especially when I got off track on my notes. But I think I did okay. It was a nice turn out and we gave away five books to participants. Although Leslie and I went to the lectures following mine, I really don't remember them -- I was just trying to calm myself down.
Saturday was our free day on the trade show floor. We must have walked like 10 miles that day. But it was great, we almost made it through all of the vendors.
On Sunday we finished going to all of the vendors and while Leslie went to some book signings/demos, I had two booth demos/signings myself. I intentionally did not plan anything for these events. I did it totally off the cuff. The people who came got really excited about the topic of Orphan Blocks which in turn made me get more excited about talking about them. Great people! Signed something like 40 books that day. Whew! Leslie and I made the rounds to all of the quilt magazines to introduce ourselves to them. It was great to put a face to the editors I've been working with!
OH! Almost forgot to mention that there was a room almost as large as the trade show with many different quilt exhibits in it. So, yes, we even looked at quilts!
We had a great time! I especially enjoyed the hot tub in our hotel!