Monday, March 31, 2014

What's New With You?

Well, again I've apparrently dropped off the face the planet for a while.  I've been thinking about blogging but when I'm on my computer, I'm usually feverishly writing quilt instructions for a quilt that has to be shipped like yesterday.  Seriously, I think I've made at least ten quilts since the beginning of January.  Most have been for publications, but a few were for the benefit auction for the library where I work.  Whew -- it's no wonder I haven't had the energy to blog for a while.

I know the Olympics have been over for more than a month now, but I just wanted to say that I fould them so inspiring.  It was amazing to hear about and see places that I only read about while researching and writing my book, A RUSSIAN JOURNEY IN QUILTS.  It really made me feel closer to Nicholas and Nina Filatoff.

Of course, now there's been the Crimea sutuation with Russia, too.  Even that brings Nicholas and Nina to mind as they once lived in Crimea before fleeing Russia and eventually emigrating to the USA.

I am planning to attend Spring Quilt Market in Pittsburgh in order to promote the Block of the Month Quilt in my book.  As I've been thinking about this project and made the decision to create another version of the BOM Sampler quilt (thanks Mel!), my thoughts have been filled with Nicholas and Nina Filatoff.  We're planning a book signing and I am hoping to do a Schoolhouse lecture too, but haven't heard back yet as to whether I'm off the waiting list.  Hope to see you there!

Here's my book.....again!

Here are a couple photos of Nicholas and Nina Filatoff.  The first photo is circa 1915 and was taken in Kremenets, Poland (which in now part of Ukraine).  Notice the bandage around Nicholas's head.  He had suffered a serious head injury in 1914.  Nina was a Red Cross nurse in WWI and Nicholas was a Captain in the Russian Army.  The second photo shows Nicholas and Nina in their passport photo before coming to the USA in 1923.  Look how much they had aged in nine years.


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Quilt On,

Tricia Lynn Maloney,
The Orphan Quilter